About Your Future Impact
What is our mission at Your Future Impact?
At Your Future Impact, we are dedicated to guiding young individuals in discovering their unique strengths and potential, empowering them to make informed and confident decisions about their futures. Through strategic partnerships with schools, colleges, and universities, we offer dynamic and engaging workshops that provide personalised career insights for students. These interactive sessions are designed to inspire young people to explore their passion, discover their energy for making an impact, and cultivate a clear sense of direction for their future careers.
We also extend valuable support to parents and families, helping develop stronger relationships both at home and within the educational journey. Our approach enhances communication and connection, ensuring a unified effort in nurturing the growth and development of the next generation.
How do we accomplish it?
Ideal for 13-18 year olds
Using a blended methodology of The Young People Index® we facilitate interactive & innovative self discovery workshops. These workshops are dedicated to enhancing self-awareness, teamwork, leadership skills, values alignment, and future-oriented planning – helping to improve employability skills.
Ideal for 5-12 year olds
Our workshops are also available for 5-12 year olds using Lego Serious Play, to help support with creative play during the workshop delivery.
Engaging with Parents/Families
We offer opportunities to work with parents and families, providing resources and guidance to strengthen bonds and support mechanisms within the home environment. We use both The Young People Index & The GC Index. Find out more about our Family Group Reviews here.
Engaging with Leaders, Managers & Teams
We provide a diverse range of interactive and self discovery workshops tailored for leaders, managers, and teams within educational and commercial settings.
How we do it – Some of our methods…
The Young People Index®
The Young People Index (YPI®) was developed to help young people discover more about themselves, so they can make better choices now, and in their future.
The Young People Index® provides insight into how an individual naturally prefers to contribute to a project, team, group or organisation now, and in the future. It does not measure academic ability nor analyse personality; it is about how you / your child likes to make their own individual impact.
The YPI® Profile is not like test scores which give you a ‘better’ or ‘worse’ grade; there are no right or wrong profiles. Moreover, the profile is not designed to answer questions but to provoke them: to provide an understanding of an individual’s energy for impact within their world and, taken together, give a unique view.
The YPI® then, shows you and your child where they like to direct their energy when working in teams and organisations.
In the complex world facing young people today often leaves parents feeling unprepared and uncertain about how to help their children especially when they become young adults. We aim to provide support to both parents and their offspring by helping them understand the unique impact their child can make. The insight from the report can transform how a young person feels about their future by helping them become more self-aware, raising their self-esteem, and showing them how they can find the right path for career and life success, based on who they are as individuals.
The GC Index®
The GC Index® measures five ways in which an individual contributes to a team, group or organisation and can help teams become more effective, helping drive innovation, collaboration and alignment.
The insights provided by The GC Index® can facilitate leaders and managers in starting meaningful conversations with their teams. This, in turn, enhances conversations about roles, projects, learning and development, training, and career progression. Additionally, it serves as a valuable tool in addressing communication challenges and pinpointing areas for individual and team development.
Lego Serious Play® (Leadership Programme)
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is based on a set of fundamental beliefs about leadership and organisations:
- Leaders don’t have all the answers
- Their success is dependent on hearing all voices in the room
- People naturally want to contribute, be part of something bigger and take ownership
- All too often, teams work sub optimally leaving knowledge untapped in team members
- We live in a world which best can be described as complex and adaptive and allowing each member to contribute and speak out results in a more sustainable business
Lego Serious Play® (Student Programme)
In LEGO Serious Play, learners can use bricks to communicate their thinking – like a 3D printer for their thoughts. They then share their thinking in the form of ‘model stories’. In doing so they can engage their peers using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic modes of communication, supercharging the active engagement levels of a group in the process.
Transformative Coaching (Adults & Young People)
Transformative coaching is a directional conversation that explores a person’s thoughts, beliefs and assumptions, through enquiry, exploration, reflection and new behaviours. It puts the person in the driving seat of their own journey, by creating a collaborative safe space to expand their thinking to create long-term meaningful change.

Join us in Shaping the Future

Meet Helen Rivero
Founder of Your Future Impact & Co-Visionary of The Young People Index. Helen has worked with independent & state schools, colleges and universities looking at alternative ways to prepare next generation leaders with the skills they’ll need in the future. Helen is an accredited ICF Transformative Coach.

Meet Jasmine
Jasmine is a certified family well-being expert and a qualified teacher with seventeen years of international work experience, she is the founder of Nava – a coaching company focused on helping teenagers and adults flourish. Through her coaching and Creative Confidence program, she is on a mission to teach the key tools and techniques that prepare teenagers and adults to manage the pressures of modern life. As an associate partner of Your Future Impact, Jasmine offers online and face to face coaching and well-being sessions for parents, teachers & students.

Meet Andrea
Andrea Otto-Davidson is a passionate facilitator for the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method to help individuals and teams be more effective and collaborative. Born in Germany, Andrea has over 15 years experience in Marketing & Communications with focus on DACH, UK and global product launches and campaign rollouts including Continental Europe, India, APAC and North America.

Meet Jon
Jon Crocker is accredited with the Young People Index and has over thirty years of experience in international education. He is the Founder of ICENI Mastermind, a social enterprise with a focus on teenagers in social mobility coldspots. For young people he works with, outcomes include greater self-awareness, knowledge of how to take control of their destiny and insights into the skills required to do so.